Tag Archive: toronto e-commerce web design

Tips To Using ChatGPT For Your Digital Marketing

February 8, 2023 4:54 pm Published by 1 Comment

Everyone is talking about OpenAI’s new tool, ChatGPT! You might be wondering what’s the hype about this new and innovative tool? ChatGPT is a large language chatbot with the ability to generate human-like responses for a wide variety of requests and inquiries! With the wide range of questions that you could ask ChatGPT, we asked it to tell us about themselves!

Why your website checkout system may be hurting sales

May 24, 2012 2:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The checkout is, arguably, the most important part of any retail experience, online or offline. You can do what you like to get customers through the door and you can merchandise and market at them to your heart’s content, but if your checkout doesn’t let them pay for their goods or services, all of your effort is wasted.