Understanding Web Design | UV Designs

Freelancer Web Designer
Understanding web designing may seem simple, but to fully understand web design you need to understand the medium. There are many web designers out there, who design websites, but simply don’t understand web designing. If you want a better website, better work and a better informed client, the need to educate begins with us.

For instance, it’s hard to understand web design when you don’t understand the web, and it’s even harder to understand the web when those who are being paid to explain it to us don’t have a full understanding themselves. A professional web designer needs to be able to explain in a simple way the benefits of having a website on the web.

In the 1990’s the web was weird and wild, everything was just emerging and no one knew what it’s full potential was. In the late 90’s it was a kingmaker, and in the early 2000’s it was a bust. Today the internet is still growing and changing, so how can you get your website designed if your web designer is not moving along with it’s changes? You can’t… you need to hire a web designer who fully understands all of it’s changes, and sees where it’s going.

The issue is, web design, although it shows elements of graphic design and illustration, it does not map them. If one was to compare web design to other media, typography would be a better example. For a web design, like a typeface, it is an environment for someone else’s expression.

Web design is not book design, it is not poster design, it is not illustration, and the highest achievements of those disciplines are not what web design aims for. Although websites can be delivery systems for games and videos, and although those delivery systems can be lovely to look at, such sites are exemplars of game design and video storytelling, not of web design. So what is web design?

Web design is the creation of digital environments that facilitate and encourage human activity; reflect or adapt to individual voices and content; and change gracefully over time while always retaining their identity.

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