Tips for a Seamless E-Commerce Experience | UV Designs

Whether you’re developing a new e-commerce site or adjusting your current one, its crucial to have a concrete foundation that will allow your site to prosper online. You can achieve this through displaying your products using high-quality visuals or by keeping your product information current.

Although doing this will enhance the success of your site, it’s also crucial to find ways to automate your processes to encourage time-efficiency and assist people with finding your products online.

Here’s a few ways to build a solid foundation for your ecommerce store!

Accurate and Current Information

Assist customers in finding what they need quickly and proficiently through intuitive navigation, product categories and search. When considering product pages, ensure prices and availability are accurate and that all label products or images include customer-friendly wording.

Use the Google Trends tool to identify simple ways to describe your products and discover essential keywords that people are using in the industry. Explain store policies including delivery, return options, shipping and taxes.

Shopify identified that the top reason people abandon purchases in their cart is because they notice that the extra costs are too high. Be straightforward about extra expenses to avoid the element of surprise at checkout.

Emphasize the Quality of the Products

Create enticing visuals that speak volumes about your products. At the very least, ensure that the resolutions of your photos are all high quality, and then consider ways to elaborate more on the visuals by integrating video and 3D models to allow customers to partake in an immersive experience. During this time, most customers are shopping online, so it’s vital to give them an “in-real-life” shopping experience if possible.

Leave a forum at the bottom of your product page that allows customers to write reviews. This will help increase the average order value and conversions and will provide customers with first-hand information from people who are happy with your products or can offer advice.

Personalize Customer Experience

Businesses who sell globally should localize the shopping experience for international customers. Shopify conducted a study in 2019 concluding that 92% of shoppers prefer to make purchases on sites that provide prices using their local currency.

When you integrate segments to organize your customer database, your business can provide unique rewards for repeat customers and first time shoppers. Keep this in mind for holiday seasons and customer birthdays so you can show customers that you care by offering special promotions.

Safe and Simple Checkout

Offering a simple and safe checkout is one of the most important elements of an ecommerce website. A complicated checkout process is one of the top reasons that customers abandon their shopping cart.

Keep your checkout current and simplify the process by saving a customer’s personal and payment information through Shop Pay, PayPal, Google pay and Apple Pay. Consider automating applicable promotions to expedite the checkout process. Make customers feel more comfortable shopping on your site by adding a security badge to your online store.

Automate Processes

Using products provided by your e-commerce platform, consider automating your marketing efforts. For instance, businesses using Shopify’s Google channel can seamlessly sync their products to the Google Merchant Centre, where you can get discovered through smart shopping campaigns.

Automation is also beneficial for managing your inventory by notifying you or triggering reorders when you’re low on stock, alongside flagging and cancelling fraudulent orders.

Implement an Analytics Strategy

Pay attention to digital insights that identify what your customers are searching for and where they’re located to determine emerging marketing opportunities. Google Analytics provides you with customer information by allowing you to see their location, the pages they visit and where they engage across the site.

If you’re using Shopify, you can explore in-platform analytics that allow you to monitor your stores performance and track detailed results of your marketing efforts.

Contact UV Designs

A user-friendly and sophisticated e-commerce site is what converts consumers into customers. Always consider how you can improve your site so it stays current and continues to thrive online! Stay tuned for more tips on our next blog!

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