6 Steps to Help You Redesign Your Website | UV Designs

Having a company website is absolutely paramount. People want to have access to information about goods and services through the internet, which makes having a user-friendly site imperative. But if it’s been a while since you’ve designed your site, or you’re noticing that your conversions aren’t as high as you’d like them to be, perhaps it’s time to revamp it.

Here are 6 steps to help you do just that.

1. Decide What Your Goals Are

Every web redesign should first start with a goal in mind and an attempt to solve a problem. It’s imperative that you have a clear vision of what you want your site to look like, as well as what you want it to do for you. For instance, you might want to improve your conversion rate, boost traffic, or reduce bounce rates. These are quantifiable goals that can be measured and achieved.

2. Come Up With Your Plan of Action

Once you know what your goal is, you need to come up with steps to get there. Know exactly how you want your website functionality to look like. The planning phase involves a clear plan of attack in order to achieve this goal. Having a site map with design specifications can help you avoid any hurdles along the way.

3. Update and Improve Your Content

With new goals comes new and refreshed web content. Take some time to enhance the content on your web, and add new information to keep up with your goals. You may consider incorporating various elements, such as an eBook, webinar, or blog to help boost engagement with your readers and improve lead conversions. And in addition to text, make sure you implement images and videos to enhance the user’s experience. Visuals are more likely to draw in a person’s attention.

4. Begin the Design Process

When starting your website redesign process, begin with the mobile aspect. Considering how much more often people use their mobile devices to browse the internet, it makes sense to ensure your site is mobile-friendly and can be easily seen from the smallest display screen.

5. Test it Out

Before you make your website live to the public, be sure to test it out to see what it will look like and how easily it can be navigated first. Make sure the site works across all browsers, and that all the forms that are submitted trigger the right information to come out. Check to make sure the links go to where they should, and that none are broken. Make sure there are mo spelling or grammatical mistakes in your content as well.

6. Market Your New Website

Once you’ve launched your newly redesigned website, it’s time to promote it. Send out an email blast or company newsletter informing your contacts of the new web layout, or set up a press release or start a company blog to get the information it there. Don’t let all your hard work be for naught without a decent amount of marketing efforts.

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