Using Framework When Designing a Website | Web Design | UV Designs

If you know anything about the development of websites, then you’ve probably come across the term “framework” at least once or twice before. There are some really popular ones out there, including Bootstrap, Flask and Rails.

Many web designers build websites using frameworks simply because it makes the job easier and more enjoyable.

What is a Framework?

The aim of a framework is to allow web designers to focus on developing the unique features for their website instead of having to code common features that are typically found in many websites and web applications.

A framework is essentially a pre-built template that deals with the majority of the repetitive features of a website, and usually doesn’t have a user interface. Most of the activity is done by writing code and incorporating it with various parts of the framework.

5 Benefits of Using a Framework
Here are some reasons why using a framework during the development of a website is a good idea.

1. Open Source – The majority of frameworks are open-source, and tend to come with unrestrictive licensing that lets you build commercial products.

2. Support – Frameworks will usually have really good support, or at the very least, good documentation. Of course, support that is paid for will typically be better quality, but nonetheless, the free kind is also good to have.

3. Efficiency – Probably the most beneficial aspect of a framework is its efficiency. You don’t have to get stuck wasting time and effort writing all sorts of repetitive code that is typically used in all sorts of applications. On average, you can expect to develop a website in a lot less time than would if you had to write code without a framework.

4. Security – A framework is usually tested by a variety of web designers and developers, so it’s likely that many security risks will be tested for. And if there are, they can be quickly rectified.

5. Integration – You’ll probably need a database if you plan on storing data when building any type of application. Many frameworks make it simple to link many tools to web development and communicate among each tool.

When Should You Consider Using a Framework?

There are 2 basic reasons to use a framework. First of all, it boosts the level of personalization that your website needs. Sometimes the ‘plugins’ available for your CMS don’t quite fit the layout and interaction that you’d like. Therefore you should consider getting a custom development done for your website that’s possible by using a framework.

The second reason you should use a framework is if you have a team of developers or web designers doing the work for you. By having a common framework in place, there is no confusion among the developers about the coding within it.

Using a framework can definitely prove to be useful when developing a website. But as always, having a professional web designer do the legwork for you is always most helpful.

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