Reasons Why You Need to Replace Your Website | UV Designs

If you run a business, having a strong online presence is critical these days. That means having a functional website out there that offers everything your clients are looking for. But just like anything else, it may be time for a change since your original website was designed and developed. Whether the graphics are outdated, the SEO isn’t working, or the bounce rate is too high… these are strong signs that you need a new website.

Here are the top reasons why your website needs to be revamped.

1. Your Images Are Low-Resolution

Images are important for websites and can boost your content views. However, if your images are low-resolution, they will ruin the look of your webpages and make your entire business seem unprofessional.

2. You Use Unrealistic Stock Photos

People are smart these days, and they can spot stock images pretty easily, especially if they are unrealistic. If you want your business to have an authoritative presence, you need original photos. In fact, the use of real images can increase conversions by as much as 45%!

3. Your Music is on Auto-Play

People might have liked auto-playing music in the background back in the day, but these days it’s just another annoying feature. It can distract visitors from relevant content and cause pages to take forever to load, which can also affect your PageSpeed rank.

4. Your Pages Are Flash-Based

Flash player animation might have been impressive long ago when it first came out, but it’s no longer an attractive feature. You should not be using flash on your website period. It does not work on mobile, it has been dropped by Google, and it cannot be read for SEO optimization. It’s simple… if your website is with flash – you need a new website now!.

5. You Have Pop-Up Ads

While pop-up forms are good for boosting your conversion rate, pop-up ads are nothing but annoying. In fact, 70% of people who are bombarded with pop-up ads are more likely to leave the website they’re on because there is simply no real perceived value in them.

6. Your Fonts Are Outdated

It seems that nothing is off limits when it comes to being dated, and that includes fonts. Certain fonts may be classic in nature, but others have been played. You can easily find better up-to-date fonts for your site on Google WebFonts to help boost the legibility and look of your website.

7. You Use Carousels or Image Sliders

Sliders and carousels may have been hot way back when, but they really don’t do the job they were originally meant to do. In fact, studies show that they aren’t even able to generate a 2% click-through rate.

8. Your Site is Not Optimized For Mobile Devices

If the fact that mobile users get annoyed with sites that are not optimized to be used on smartphones and tablets doesn’t phase you, then perhaps the fact that Google will penalize your site might catch your attention. Google has already announced they will better rank mobile-friendly websites, given the fact that there are more online searches being done on mobile devices vs. laptops or desktops.

9. You Have No Security Certificate

A security breach can cause your website to crash and cost you a ton in profits, but it will also ruin your business’ reputation. The best way to protect your site is to get an SSL certificate that is required to encrypt connections between servers and your audience. An SSL certificate can also boost your search engine rankings, according to Google.

If your website is guilty of any of the above, it may be time for a total overhaul!

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