Blogging Myths You Should Ignore | Web Design Toronto | UV Designs Inc.

If you have thought about starting a blog – you have probably asked yourself many questions. Possibly, whether you should even start a blog? Or if blogging is just a waste of time and something no one is interested in? Maybe you have heard that blogging is only meant to be used for SEO reasons… Well, these are all blogging myths, and you should ignore them.

Here are some myths that all new writers should be wary of and shouldn’t fall for.

Blogging Myth 1: You Don’t Need to Have a Blog

While we now have social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to help with our online marketing efforts, blogging still continues to be a valuable means of engaging with your customers. Not only is it still an effective way to advertise your products, it’s also a great way to build your brand and let customers know what your business culture is like. Businesses absolutely need to have a blog along with their social media marketing efforts.

Blogging Myth 2: Blogging Isn’t Very Interesting

Bloggers are blogging for a reason: to gain traffic to their sites and develop a listening audience. But while you’re trying to do that, it doesn’t mean that you have to blog about topics that you do not find interesting. Before you even launch your blog, you should start by choosing a topic that peaks your interests. In fact, this is one of the most important components to long-term success.

Blogging Myth 3: Just Because You’re Posting Online Doesn’t Mean Readers Will Magically Appear

Just about anyone can put up a blog. However, this is just the start. Once your blog is up, you need to be diligent at posting on a frequent and regular basis. Following that you need to make an effort to market your blog so that you start to generate a sizeable amount of traffic. Publishing your blog is easy – getting the traffic is the tough part.

Blogging Myth 4: Blogging is Solely Meant For SEO Purposes

SEO – or search engine optimization – is certainly important for internet marketers. It can help bring your website up the ranks in Google and other major search engines to drive organic traffic to your blog, and blogging can certainly help with that effort. However, blogging isn’t solely reserved just for SEO purposes, and is not the only goal for your business.

Blogging Myth 5: Blogging is Essentially Free Marketing

Putting up a blog and writing for it might not cost you anything up front, but it’s not exactly free if you really want to start seeing the traffic results you’re after. The only way to really boost traffic is to spend some money on marketing. Fortunately, you can start generating real returns once you’ve spent that initial money getting your blog off and running.

The Bottom Line

If you’re new to the world of blogging, make sure that you don’t blindly take everything that’s posted out there at face value, There are plenty of myths floating around out there, and the above list includes only a handful of misconceptions about blogging. Do your due diligence to make sure that what you’re reading – and writing about – is based on factual information.

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