Ideas to Post on Instagram | Web Design News | UV Designs Inc.

Generating ideas to post on Instagram can be difficult. Instagram is a huge social media channel that any internet marketer should be capitalizing on. To make Instagram work for you, you’ve got to post engaging and interesting content that will capture the attention of your visitors.

The question is, what kind of content should you post, and how do you ensure the content is effective? Here are some ideas to try out.

1. Show What’s Being Done Behind the Scenes

Give your visitors a little peek behind the door to see how the wheels turn in your business. Let them see what you don’t normally show on a regular basis.

2. Begin a Weekly Series

If your Instagram feed starts generating a lot of visitors and interest, consider starting a weekly series. Pay attention to what type of content and images get the most likes and comments, and develop your series around those topics. You can really develop a huge following this way, which can then help generate more leads.

3. Include User-Generated Content

What better way to post content without having to do much than to let your users generate the content for you? Get your followers to contribute and generate ideas to post on Instagram in the weekly series you’ve started. Use the content and images that people have shared with you after they’ve given you permission to do so. Finally, this allows you to have completely free content that you didn’t even have to generate on your own, and it even gives your followers some publicity!

4. Advertise a Product or Service

Instagram is the perfect platform to advertise your business’s product or service. Of course, you don’t want to overdo it with this, but you also want to make sure you use this platform to market your business on occasion. Balancing sharing and selling really is an art form, so make sure you are careful with this. Finally, If the ideas to post on Instagram display what you offer in a manner that fits organically, it won’t necessarily seem like a blatant sales pitch.

5. Post a Flat Lay Image

Instagram may be known for its plethora of selfies, but the next most popular image to be displayed is the flat lay image. Your product is simply laid flat and an aerial shot is then taken. Having said that, consider your personal brand and how your product can be ideally presented with the flat lay method.

6. Include a Call to Action

Finally, Enticing a direct response from your followers is another great option for your Instagram posts. Whether you ask them to opt in to your newsletter, answer a question, or comment on a blog post, calls to action can boost user engagement and generate a more loyal following.

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