Website Mobile Speed Importance | Web Design Toronto | UV Designs Inc.

Just about everyone uses a mobile device these days, and it is expected that a website mobile speed is as quick and convenient as a desktop version. The problem is, many websites are still not taking mobile use into consideration, leaving users with a less-than-pleasant experience. In addition to a lack of responsiveness, many sites also have very slow loading times, leaving users frustrated.

It’s important that you ensure that the loading times of your website are up to par. Be sure to find out the speed of your mobile site, as well as its average eCPM and monthly queries. If something seems off, you might want to take steps to tweak your mobile site to ensure it moves faster.

How to Improve Your Website Mobile Speed

Check for three things to give your website mobile speed a boost:

File sizes – These make a huge impact on loading times. Look for some opportunities to optimize the content on your site for mobile devices.

Server requests – These can often put a big strain on mobile websites. About half of all server requests are the result of ad-related calls during website loading.

Efficient loading of site elements – Make sure that your site’s elements load in an efficient order, and that the first things that visitors see on the website are ready the fastest. Keep testing and monitoring the site to continuously improve its speed.

Ensure Your Site is Optimized For a Mobile Platform

Making sure that your website mobile speed is optimized to be viewed on a mobile device is important. It doesn’t make sense to attempt to load files that are designed for a PC on mobile. Faster websites make it easier for visitors to click through more pages and read more content. Optimizing images for smaller screens will also speed up the website. Focus on file sizes under 1,000 bytes to optimize the website’s load time.

Cut Down on Server Requests

Are ad providers making your web pages load slower? Are there too many analytics trackers used? Every server request can make the load times much longer. Go through server requests and eliminate what’s not necessary. Stick to 50 or fewer requests and 1,000 or fewer bytes. Optimizing server requests to include only those that are necessary will improve your audience’s mobile experience.

Optimize the Website’s Order of Operations

The order that your mobile website loads content and ads also plays a role in load times. If visitors don’t see the content load quickly, they’ll think your website is slow. To prevent this from happening, prioritize resources that are displayed above the fold rather than loading all elements together. Don’t include large interactive elements like videos, which prevent initial content from loading.

Maintaining your mobile website might not be easy, but every little effort you put into it every day will be worth it when you start noticing a lower bounce rate.

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