5 Ways Good Web Design Gets Optimal Marketing Results | UV Designs

Web designers and developers know full well how important esthetically pleasing websites are. But good web design does much more than just look great and appeal to the senses; it’s also key to branding and marketing businesses in order to really drive results.

Let’s have a look at some of the ways that excellent web design can garner maximum marketing results.

1. Good First Impressions

Everything starts with the first impression that a user experiences when they first land on a website. They’ll see (and judge) things like colour, images, and typography. What kind of message are these specific elements sending out? Is the communication on your website clear and streamlined?

The message that a user gets from this first look will influence all forms communication going forward. That’s why it’s important that your website is designed well so that readers will have incentive to come back in the near future.

2. Encourage Loyalty Among Customers

Once you’ve got a user’s attention for a visit, you’ll need the design the site to encourage them to come back for more, thus making them a loyal user. Quick and easy ways to do this at the get-go is to create an impactful logo or colour palette.

Generate a connection with your users so they don’t lose you with a confusing design. You can even boost loyalty with text or images that people want to be associated with.

3. Be Recognized

Designing your website with a certain amount of consistency will help people find you more easily, which is exactly what you want. Think about McDonald’s – just about anyone in the world can identify their infamous golden arches that symbolize the McDonald’s brand. Coming up with a design scheme along these lines is precisely what you need to be doing.

Come up with a unique style that’s distinctively yours. From your font, to your colours, to your logo, it all helps to brand your business. Having a strong visual presence doesn’t mean anything if people don’t know who created it or what it represents.

4. Encourage Sharing

Make sure you include lots of opportunities for users to share your website content. Using this type of social media marketing can help your brand establish somewhat of a community because new users will be introduced to your website by someone they know and trust. Make sure the social share buttons on your website are easy to find and use.

5. Boost Conversion

For optimal marketing results, it’s important that you a design a site that encourages action. Every button needs to be designed in a way that they’re easy to find and click. Navigational elements should be very clear and concise. If users have no idea know how to complete the action, your site will fail. Make it easy for people – your calls to action need to be some of the most prominent elements across your website.

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